The Lilly Garden

The Lilly Garden

The Lilly Garden


The Lilly Garden


Description of this service:

The Lilly Garden package is for my birthing parents who plan to have a water birth whether it’s in-home, birthing center, or hospital setting. A water birth is labor and often time delivery that occurs in water, typically in a birthing pool or tub. A water birth could benefit those looking to experience less pain, more comfortability, improved circulation, and more. Another benefit of a water birth would include lower risk of vaginal tearing due to the laboring parent being more relaxed. 

What's included in this package:

  • Customized birth plan
  • Water birth herbal blend [herbs that are safe for laboring parent and baby]
  • Labor comfort measures
  • Birthing pool kit  [if applicable]
  • 3 in person doctor, virtual, or in-home visit [first, second, and third trimesters]
  • L&D support/advocacy
  • Water birth clean-up
  • 3hr postpartum stay following birth
  • Lactation support
  • V1 hands-free breast pump [hospital grade]
  • Owlet Dream Sock
  • Postpartum aftercare kit
  • 2wk postpartum visit or call 

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